TNR-Feral Cat Spay – Neuter – Release

There is an overwhelming amount of stray and feral cats in the Coffee County area. People are feeding them, but not spaying and neutering, so there is a continual breeding cycle.

TNR stands for Trap, Neuter and Release. We work with individuals and companies who reach out to us about multiple cats in their area. the first step is to access the situation to see what cats are there and how accessible it will be to trap. We try to get an idea of how many cats are needing fixed and then appointments are made at a local vet.

The next step is deciding on a date to start trapping and ensuring the cats aren’t fed the day before so they will be hungry. If we notice that cats are near by when we set the traps, we stay around to see if they are quickly trapped. If no cats are seen, the trap is left and either the individual will watch over the trap or we come back and check on them.

Once cats are trapped, they are taken to a holding area until their appointment time. After they have been spayed/neutered, rabies vaccinated and left ear tipped, (universal identification of a fixed cat) they are returned to the holding area for recovery from surgery, between 2 – 5 days. Once they are ready to be released they are taken back to where they were trapped.